Adding GLD360 lightning layer

To take the GDL360 lightning layer into use, the IRIS Focus server must be online and your organization must have an active subscription to GLD360 data. For information on subscribing to GLD360 data, contact Vaisala Lightning Data Services.

  1. Log in to the IRIS Focus web application as administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Map > Map Layers.
  3. Select Add New Layer.
  4. In Map Layer Information, enter the following values on the layer properties:
    1. URL: /lightning
    2. Layer: lightning:ltg_combined_25
    3. Transparent: Checkbox selected
    4. Usable in map cursor tool: Checkbox selected
    5. SLD URL:
    6. Name: ltg_combined_25.ltg_types
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select Map > Map View Contexts
  7. Edit the default map context TheMap.
  8. Select the newly created lightning layer and set its Z level higher than all base map layers in the map context.

In the web application, the new layer is listed in the product selection list.